Module @nextgis/ngw-uploader

Ngw Uploader

size version

Library providing tools for uploading data to the NextGIS Web


In Browser

Include assets

Simply download and include with a script tag. NgwUploader will be registered as a global variable.

<script src="../lib/"></script>

const ngwUploader = new NgwUploader({
baseUrl: '',


<script src=""></script>

We recommend linking to a specific version number that you can update manually:

<script src="[verion]"></script>

In Node.js

NPM is the recommended installation method when building large scale applications with NgwUploader. It pairs nicely with module bundlers such as Webpack

# latest stable
npm install @nextgis/ngw-uploader
import NgwUploader from '@nextgis/ngw-uploader';

const ngwUploader = new NgwUploader({
baseUrl: '',
ngwUploader.uploadVector(File, { parentId, pain });
ngwUploader.uploadRaster(File, { parentId });

Commercial support

Need to fix a bug or add a feature to @nextgis/ngw-uploader? We provide custom development and support for this software. Contact us to discuss options!




Type Aliases

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