Module @nextgis/maplibre-gl-map-adapter

Maplibre GL JS map adapter

size version

Webmap adapter to use Maplibre GL JS framework.

This library is not intended for using directly in the browser.

Use MaplibreGLMapAdapter with NPM installation method for building large scale applications. It pairs nicely with module bundlers such as Webpack

# latest stable
npm install maplibre-gl @nextgis/maplibre-gl-map-adapter
import { WebMap } from '@nextgis/webmap';
import MaplibreGLMapAdapter from '@nextgis/maplibre-gl-map-adapter';
// manually added styles

const webMap = new WebMap({
mapAdapter: new MaplibreGLMapAdapter()

webMap.create(options).then(() => {
// on webmap create

Commercial support

Need to fix a bug or add a feature to @nextgis/maplibre-gl-map-adapter? We provide custom development and support for this software. Contact us to discuss options!




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